"An acceleration, a rapid awakening
The portal to truth
Built on the foundation of love, wisdom, and understanding
The triforce within
The Generating force that operates, and destroys the illusions
Of a reality built on ego, fear, lust, power, manipulation
I AM Nature
Nature is me
The medicine and poison
The elixir of sweet blackberries
Regenerating self, from personality to Soul
A rites of passage into a higher octave of energy
A kundalini rising
Rebirthing the I AM
Peace & Abundance Blessings Beautiful Souls!

Welcome to the weekend!
I realized even if you work on the weekend, it’s still the week-end, but is it really the end or is it the beginning?
Should we be off Monday through Friday and only work the weekends? Since Saturday or Sundays starts the week for some systems…
With that said, the Lightening Path of ascension is in full force, welcoming the arrival of a new season. This weekend brings Aquarius season (tropical)
We are still moving through the hall of mirrors. I am talking to the man in the mirror!! The woman, the master who is able and noble!
Anyways.. This season is a cosmic gateway that not only serves as an energetic matrix of higher consciousness, but is the final conduit of the current series of transformation. A portal that enhances universal communication, connecting us to the realm where all threads converge.
Where all threads converge, is the web of the sacred spider, stretching intergalactically, binding us to everything in this existence. This sacred connection, a universal pulse runs through the core of our being, FLOWING LIKE A CURRENT ALONG THE CENTRAL AXIS OF OUR SPINE!
Give us this day, divine wisdom, the daily bread, and forgive those who trespass against us as we face the rising son. Deliver us from the illusions of may and let your power be love.
Let it surge through you, like electricity, a force of light, activating the DIA-MOND
This is a higher octave of consciousness like never before.
Everything feels fast or perhaps slow.
It feels pristine
The Moon moves through Leo (Purva Phalguni) on the 18th and 19th, the energy is rich with creativity and self-expression. The influence of the Moon here awakens our desires for connection, playful energy, and love. Yet, as the Moon shifts into Virgo (Uttara Phalguni), we will find seeking perfection and integration of our inner worlds.
This calls for you to be more open to embracing your totality, your psychic senses, your human senses, all that encompasses you. Tap into the wisdom of the Sacred Rose Garden, where love, wisdom, and understanding reside. Where abundance arises!
Ahh yes that is what I spoke about on the most recent Align, Shine, Thrive episode on, “The Cosmic Source.”
I said, “For the way we handled hardships in the karmic 8 year of 2024, abundance and protection is upheld to the highest order in divine 9 2025. Only person that can mess it up is you. No one else. But SELF!"
What that means is, don’t let the abundance, the wisdom, knowledge fuel the ego to mask itself as intuition. Stay grounded in the valley of shadow and death.
That rod and staff. Sound mind, body, and spirit COMFORTS YOU!
Say it again for the ones in the back, side to side, front!
In other human news…… Human 3d news!
Health & Wellness
Emotional turbulence is on the rise. Expect long-buried fears and trauma to bubble up to the surface. Ground yourself and practice self-care if feeling overwhelmed.
Pay attention to your body—Focus on heart and digestive system
Brace for intense, no-holds-barred conversations. Truths may come out that you’re not ready for, but they’re necessary. Keep communication clear and avoid letting pride stand in the way.
Power dynamics will be under the spotlight. If you feel controlled or manipulated, don’t hold back—stand firm in your boundaries.
Sexual healing is on the table—this weekend offers a potent opportunity to release past trauma and fully reclaim your power in intimate spaces.
The air is thick with tension. Prepare for impulsive behavior, confrontations, and emotional outbursts. Issues that have been buried are about to surface, and things may either break or finally resolve.
If you’re caught up in drama, it’s time to either step up and resolve it or step away. Don’t let it consume you.
Expect financial revelations this weekend. Whether you like it or not, the truth about your money situation will come to light. Time for a serious financial re-evaluation.
I’d expect some crypto shifts during the Feb Full Moon and than Feb 25 - Mar 7. I’ll drop some details as the time comes.
Risk versus caution will be a key theme. Trust your gut, but don’t let impulsiveness dictate your decisions. Consider all angles before making any big moves.
Also, with it being Aquarius season (tropical) and they are swearing in a new president on Monday. And…. The Sun conjuncts Pluto, IT'S GOING TO BE BANANAS!
So, every Aquarius season from now until 2043, the Sun will conjunct Pluto at different degrees turning thee F UP.
This is going to be pivotal only because Aquarius represents the group. Every single aspect of these deep psychological, spiritual changes, deals with our future. What did my teacher say? The money you spend today if for tomorrow. You may spend it today on an item you need for today, but in truth it's spending for tomorrow.
Sun conjunct Pluto is deep, dark, empowering, raw, and real!

Message For The Signs
What does the universe want you to truly know right now?
Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) – Proverbs 24:26: "An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips."
This weekend, the universe is telling you to speak your truth, no matter how uncomfortable. Don’t hide behind polite words or avoid the hard conversations. The truth is a form of love, and it’s time to give and receive it honestly. No more holding back. If there’s something weighing on you, say it. If someone needs to hear the truth, don’t sugarcoat it. Authenticity is your key to peace.
Fire Signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) – Proverbs 10:9: "Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out."
The universe is demanding that you stay grounded in your integrity this weekend. You can’t fake it or take shortcuts anymore. You know the right path—stay true to it, even if it’s hard. Lies and deception won’t get you anywhere, and they’ll catch up with you faster than you think. Walk your truth and everything else will fall into place. No excuses, no detours.
Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) – Proverbs 12:28: "In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality."
The universe is urging you to align with your highest self. The way forward is through love, peace, and trust in your own intuition. Stop doubting yourself. Let go of the things that drain your energy, whether it’s toxic relationships or outdated beliefs. Choose the path that feels right in your soul, and know that it will lead you to long-lasting fulfillment. Life is in your hands—make it count.
Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) – Proverbs 12:18: "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Be mindful of what you say. Your words have power—use them to heal, not hurt. You’re quick with your tongue, and while that’s a strength, it can also be a weapon. Think before you speak, especially in emotionally charged situations. Your wisdom and calmness can bring resolution, but recklessness will only create chaos. Choose your words carefully, and you’ll bring peace, not pain.
With Love,
Numbers: 47, 52
Owl, eagle, fox, standoff, delayed communication.