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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

You Are Heaven On Earth! - Jan. 11th/12th, 2025

Sacred tones of the Sun, Moon, and Stars

I am the traveler

Healing fragmented pieces of me across every dimension

Writing my song across the skies

I embrace the phoenix inside

Rising from the ashes of my unconscious rubble

Restored on the paths of righteousness

My garden grows fruitfully

Blackberries, roses, and I

Sweet Melodies, I rise

Peace & Abundant Blessings Beautiful Souls!

The current energy of the weekend reveals the light of mind that leads us back to wholeness

The Moon is increasing in fullness, bringing up unconscious material for review and release.

Not to mention, we have a Full Moon on Jan. 13, 2025.

As we continue to navigate this new energetic matrix and travel dimensions, we evoke accelerated growth of the starseed potential within. We begin to activate the harmonics of the earth and stars, leading us back home. Harmonics that bring about a higher being within. Sacred tunes of the heart. The Star within.

What I've learned the most and love about this current shift

Is the need to honor my intuition and no longer ignore its messages, no matter how hard my ego pushes. Also the need to CHOOSE YOURSELF FIRST!

This is so important and if you are on this spiritual journey, really focused within, you will understand what I mean by saying, we have to stop ignoring the intuition, the voice, the inner child. No more lying, no more abandoning, only freedom here on out. 

What did I write about yesterday? SELF-PRESERVATION!

This means the integrity to choose yourself first and ensure the preservation of you. 
Are you ABLE and NOBLE to walk your truth?


The energies of the weekend are pretty interesting, calling for a mixture of action and relaxation, as we approach a Full Moon, along with the North and South Node changing signs. 

What does this mean? Well it’s a dance of balance that is fluid and free. A dance where you learn how you are the dancer and the danced. The song and the singer, the player and played. You are all things, you are the Shift, the phoenix rising from the rubble of the unconscious shadow you’ve been running from. You are heaven on earth!

Now, as we travel the hall of mirror, dismantling illusions, the weekend asks us.. 

Have you unconsciously created a reality in which you seem lost or confused?

Can you step forward and face the illusions you’ve been holding on to? 

Because the only power in the illusions is your belief that these illusions are truth. When they are not your soul’s truth.

This entire dimension is a holographic playing field, created from time and space. 

Every experience is an image in this playing field, an image meant for growth. When we experience fear, judgement, and denial, we have to move beyond the illusion of them appearing real, when they are FAKE

The real power lies in STILLNESS

In a silent mind that can not be swayed or get lost in the chaos of external realities. 

The phoenix rises this weekend. Don’t give your pearls to swine. 

Transformation comes from being mindful and discerning. Which is accessed when we disconnect from the noise and reconnect to spirit. It also comes when you look into the mirror around you:

THE PEOPLE AND EVENTS in your life that are reflecting your truth. 

This Lunar cycle and Nodal change will cut away anything that no longer serves our higher self. 

Forgive—yourself and others—and step into the timeless truth of your divine essence.

Embrace your I AM in the mirrors around you. Release illusions and step into the fullness of your being. 

Another dynamic insight is the fact that we were taught giving is the highest virtue, when receiving is just as powerful.

Giving & Receiving is like the yin/yang. Where each flows into the other, both within you and in the world around you. 

Overall, our brain and body is undergoing a significant recalibration and fine-tuning, clearing the way for the activation and acceleration of cosmic consciousness. This energy shift is like upgrading the "hard drive" of your biocomputer, activating the "hidden chip"—those unused, dormant parts of the brain, ready to be unlocked.

Another full blow light body activation.

“They kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven."

Some 3d issues over the weekend are:

  • Mismanagement of capital and resources, financial setbacks, potential bankruptcy, intractable problems, and acting impulsively without proper consideration.

  • Emotional mastery through reason

  • Possessiveness, emotional gambling

  • Medicine will be a major topics. More insurance company issues and issues with over usage of prescription medication without actually trying to find out the actual cause

  • Spine, lumbar, ulcers, failed surgical operations or mainstream topic of a failed surgical complication linked to high ranking individuals. Just another cover up. I’d say healthcare will be a major topic while the south node is in Virgo for sure. This will surely break down the entire western medicine. Or maybe to me it's nice, I’ll say this will help get rid of a lot of issues in western medicine.

  • Car accidents, random weird arrests

  • Topics of cattle or sheep

  • Reverend being outed in the future 

  • Realizing of true emotional needs

  • Increased restlessness, nervous tension, and irritability. 

  • Potential headaches or neck pain from overthinking. 

  • Mental overload and increased anxiety.  Shallow breathing, tightness in chest/throat.

  • Anxiety affecting digestion, leading to indigestion or discomfort.

  • Heightened sensitivity, mood swings, and emotional withdrawal.

  • Fluid retention and possible bloating in the stomach and breasts.

  • Bloating or discomfort from emotional stress. 


Message For The Signs 

Today asks: what do you need to heal your inner child, your younger self, and the teenager still in you? 

Air signs, 6 of Wands—you’re out here winning, but today’s energy is asking you to check in with the part of you that’s still looking for approval. The young you that didn’t feel seen, the child that thought they weren’t good enough. You’ve earned your place, but now it’s time to give that inner child the validation they never got. Stop waiting for others to acknowledge you—give yourself that recognition. Heal the part of you that’s still seeking external validation and step into the full power of your true self.

Fire signs, King of Wands—you’re full of fire, but today, look back at the younger version who doubted themselves. The confident leader you are today didn’t come without facing fear and self-doubt. That teenager who felt uncertain and thought they’d never be enough—they need your attention. Stop pushing them aside and acknowledge their pain. Step into your full leadership power, but don’t forget the vulnerable younger you who needs your compassion and understanding.

Water signs, 6 of Cups—today is all about revisiting the younger version of yourself. The innocent child, the teenager who took on the world without a clue, but also carried pain, loss, and unhealed wounds. What do they need from you right now? Heal that younger self by showing them the love they didn’t get, by acknowledging the struggles they endured. Give them the compassion and forgiveness they didn’t have the chance to receive back then.

Earth signs, Page of Wands—your inner child is crying out for freedom. That young, bold version of you was ready to take on the world without fear, but somewhere along the way, doubt crept in. What do you need to give that child now? The courage to dream again, the confidence to take risks, to be bold. Today, heal the part of you that got lost in the mundane and the practical. Reignite your inner spark, and let that child run wild once again.

With Love

numbers: 19, 59, 31, 51

green, gold, ships,

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