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Writer's pictureTracie Ann

How Can You Harness the Power of Yesterday's Lions Gate Portal?

I want to take the time to thank everyone for reading my blog. Today I will briefly dive into the Lion's Gate portal, providing a meditation at the end.

The Lions Gate Portal: A Gateway to Transformation

A powerful cosmic alignment known as the Lions Gate Portal occurs every year between July 26th and August 12th. Personally, I believe this portal opens every year from July 1 until mid-August, peaking end of July into August. During this time, the Sun aligns with the star Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, and the Earth is positioned in such a way that it receives heightened frequencies of light and energy. During this alignment, we are offered a profound opportunity for spiritual awakening and transformation.

The energy of the Lions Gate Portal is said to activate our third eye chakra, allowing us to access higher levels of consciousness and awareness. It is a time of intense energy downloads, clarity, and spiritual growth. Many people report experiencing heightened intuition, vivid dreams, and a deeper connection to their inner guidance during this time.

The Radiant Influence of Sirius:

A Beacon of Spiritual Light

Sirius holds a special place in many spiritual traditions as the "Spiritual Sun." This star is seen as a source of spiritual illumination and wisdom. Sirius' energy is purifying, enlightening, and transformative. During the Lions Gate Portal, Sirius aligns with the sun, amplifying its energy and bathing the Earth in high-frequency light.

Sirius' energy can help us release old patterns, heal emotional wounds, and align with our soul's purpose. The energy of Sirius provides us with the ability to tap into our inner strength, intuition, and spiritual gifts. Its presence reminds us to shine our light brightly and embrace our true essence.

Harnessing the Energy Beyond the Portal

While the Lion's Gate Portal closes, its energy lingers on, allowing us to continue to grow and transform. Meditation is one powerful way to harness this energy. By setting intentions, visualizing light streaming into your energy field, and connecting with your higher self, you can tap into the energy of the portal any time you desire.

The Lions Gate Portal's energy can be anchored by listening to a guided meditation I recorded during the peak of the portal. This "Sacred Intentions" community meditation captures the potent energies of this cosmic event. And just some quick background. Sacred Intentions is an online community I've cultivated since 2020. It's a community of beautiful souls and like mind-individuals, where we elevate and change the game. Shout out to the Sacred Intentions FAMILY!

So, by incorporating this meditation into your daily practice, you can maintain a strong connection to the Lions Gate Portal's energy throughout the month and even the year.

Embrace the Cosmic Flow

Stay grounded, open, and receptive to the transformations unraveling within you as we traverse the cosmic energies of Lions Gate Portal and Sirius. Trust in the universe's wisdom and allow yourself to flow with the cosmic currents of transformation. By aligning with the energy of these celestial events, we can unlock hidden potentials, deepen our spiritual practice, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.

3 Powerful Tips for the Lion's Gate Portal

  1. Set Crystal-Clear Intentions: Reflect deeply on what you truly want to manifest in your life. Write down your intentions with clarity and conviction, knowing that the Lion's Gate energy will amplify your desires. Be bold and dream big!

  2. Breathe to Cleanse and Align: Begin your day with a focused breathing exercise. Inhale deeply, visualizing pure, golden light entering your body. Exhale slowly, imagining any negativity or blockages being released. This will help cleanse your energy and align you with the powerful frequencies of the portal.

  3. Embrace Deep Transformation: The Lion's Gate is a time of significant spiritual growth. Be willing to let go of old habits and fears that have held you back. Open your heart to new possibilities, and trust in the transformative power of this cosmic event to guide you toward your highest potential.

May Sirius' light illuminate your path and the energy of the Lion's Gate Portal empower your soul's journey.

Always remember that the cosmos conspires in your favor.

Trust, surrender, and embrace the magic around you.

Let your soul soar on the wings of transformation and enlightenment.

Stay tuned for more cosmic insights and spiritual guidance as we explore the mysteries of the universe together. <3

Sacred Intentions: Lion's Gate Portal

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Seraphina Nyx
Seraphina Nyx
2024년 8월 10일
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

It’s a pleasure to see you in your light. Your description of the Lion’s Portal has helped clarify my lion’s dream, giving me the closure with that dream to connect deeper with my higher self. Thank you dearly for your works.


2024년 8월 09일
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

Definitely been experiencing more vivid dreams and been in my head a lot. This time always brings about inner dialog and also the desire for meditation. Appreciate the article it confirmed a lot of things i was experiencing.

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