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Available Online

Level I & II Reiki Certification

(Individual and group classes)

425 US dollars
Elmhurst, IL|Online

Service Description

In this class, you will learn what Reiki is and how it works, the history and evolution of Reiki, the Reiki Principles, the Pillars of Reiki, self-healing with Reiki, ethics, and how the attunement process works. This also includes intutive training to awaken your intutive intelligence. This is a 2day course, 6hrs each day with a break, refreshments, and snacks provided for those joining in person. Day 1 Reiki Level 1 is the gentle introduction to the concepts of Reiki Healing. During this course, you will connect directly to the Reiki source through Holy Fire. After the Reiki Level, One class, the Reiki energy will be accessible to you through your intention. Day 2 Reiki Level 2 is a life changer, and it amplifies your connection to the source. This session opens up the energy centers of the body greater than the expansion in Level 1. It will refine your healing ability, help others find relief from pain or discomfort, and enhance your spiritual connection. Information & techniques covered in this course: - The Reiki hand positions. - Giving a complete Reiki treatment for self and others. - Japanese Reiki Techniques, as taught by Dr. Usui - Hayashi Healing Guide - Using Reiki for specific conditions. - The Reiki II symbols, how to use them -192 Manual and class certificate Once you complete the class, you will be able to Practice and perform Reiki. Classes will be provided locally and via zoom for people not in the Chicago Land area. Please note that zoom classes are just as effective as in person. So you are not missing out by joining via zoom. I look forward to working with you!

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

Tip not included No refund given to cancelations within 24hrs

Contact Details

  • 116 S York St, Elmhurst, IL 60126, USA


  • USA


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